The book is published in 2008 and stems from the collaboration between Giò Marconi, Milan and Galleria Fumagalli, Bergamo and brought together the most recent Gianfranco Pardi’s work. From the period 2003-2008, for example, there are works such as Doppio uno (2003-2004) describing the double or triple shape of the same figure spread over orthogonal supports, and the Topos (2005-2006) showing round surfaces that present their own circumference measurement. The photographic documentation of the works is accompanied by a critical text by Bruno Corà entitled “Gianfranco Pardi: pittura e scultura poeticamente abitate” and by an artist’s text from 2002.

The book is published in 2008 and stems from the collaboration between Giò Marconi, Milan and Galleria Fumagalli, Bergamo and brought together the most recent Gianfranco Pardi’s work. From the period 2003-2008, for example, there are works such as Doppio uno (2003-2004) describing the double or triple shape of the same figure spread over orthogonal supports, and the Topos (2005-2006) showing round surfaces that present their own circumference measurement. The photographic documentation of the works is accompanied by a critical text by Bruno Corà entitled “Gianfranco Pardi: pittura e scultura poeticamente abitate” and by an artist’s text from 2002.