During the gallery’s closure to the public due to the coronavirus medical emergency, Galleria Fumagalli presents the program “Galleria Fumagalli stays home with you”, a series of virtual appointments that includes the publication of streamings (video works, performances, interviews), and focuses on the work of the artists represented and of those who have contributed, over the years, to the long and prestigious history of the gallery. The program has been made possible thanks to the collaboration of the artists and the gallery’s archival material.
During the gallery’s closure to the public due to the coronavirus medical emergency, Galleria Fumagalli presents the program “Galleria Fumagalli stays home with you”, a series of virtual appointments that includes the publication of streamings (video works, performances, interviews), and focuses on the work of the artists represented and of those who have contributed, over the years, to the long and prestigious history of the gallery. The program has been made possible thanks to the collaboration of the artists and the gallery’s archival material.

8 July, 2020
“#Volver. Galleria Fumagalli, Milano: la famosa fase 3 per noi è rimandata a ottobre”
1 May, 2020
“Mercato dell’arte in quarantena. Pensieri previsioni di Annamaria Maggi, Galleria Fumagalli”
17 April, 2020
“Gallerie ai tempi del distanziamento sociale: Galleria Fumagalli”
10 April, 2019
“Bergamo Is a Besieged Territory: Dealers, Artists, and Curators on How Northern Italy’s Art Scene Is Surviving Under Its Second Month of Lockdown”
8 July, 2020
“#Volver. Galleria Fumagalli, Milano: la famosa fase 3 per noi è rimandata a ottobre”
1 May, 2020
“Mercato dell’arte in quarantena. Pensieri previsioni di Annamaria Maggi, Galleria Fumagalli”
17 April, 2020
“Gallerie ai tempi del distanziamento sociale: Galleria Fumagalli”
10 April, 2019
“Bergamo Is a Besieged Territory: Dealers, Artists, and Curators on How Northern Italy’s Art Scene Is Surviving Under Its Second Month of Lockdown”
11 March, 2020
Streaming of the performance Inerte/Inerme by Stefano Scheda, held at the gallery on 16 January, 2020.
17 March, 2020
Focus on Anne & Patrick Poirier’s work featuring selected texts and images from the gallery’s archive.
20 March, 2020
Focus on Mattia Bosco’s work featuring selected texts and images from the gallery’s archive..
23 March, 2020
Homage to Jannis Kounellis including the streaming of the play Die Hamletmaschine by Heiner Müller, held at the Piccolo Teatro, with the scene by Kounellis.
27 March, 2020
Focus on Richard Wilson’s work including the streaming of the project Butterfly (2003).
31 March, 2020
Streaming of the conversation between Giovanni Anselmo and Alberto Fiz, held on the occasion of the exhibition ACMN in the gallery’s former venue in Bergamo in 2011.
3 April, 2020
Focus on Maria Elisabetta Novello’s work including the streaming of the performance Sursum Corda, held at Galleria Fumagalli in 2017.
7 April, 2020
Streaming of the video work Bowels by Chiara Lecca filmed in 2010 and never seen before at Galleria Fumagalli.
10 April, 2020
Focus on Peter Welz’s work including the streaming of the video project Retranslation | final unfinished portrait (francis bacon) | figure inscribing figure | [take 01 – 03], filmed in collaboration with William Forsythe.
14 April, 2020
Streaming of the conversation between Dennis Oppenheim and Alberto Fiz, held on the occasion of the artist’s solo exhibition Material Interchange. Works 1968/1974 in the gallery’s former venue in Bergamo in 2010.
17 April, 2020
Focus on Maurizio Nannucci’s work featuring selected texts and images from the gallery’s archive.
21 April, 2020
Streaming of the conversation between Maurizio Mochetti and Alberto Fiz, held on the occasion of the exhibition ACMN in the gallery’s former venue in Bergamo in 2011.
24 April, 2020
Streaming of the video A Volo d’Uccello by Marinus Boezem (2010), first exhibited at De Vleeshal in Middelburg and re-presented at Galleria Fumagalli in 2019 on the occasion of the artist’s solo Bird’s-eye View.
30 April, 2020
Streaming of the performances Ti faccio nero and Ti faccio rosso by Stefano Scheda, held respectively on 2 February 2019 at the theatre of the Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna, and on 6 July 2019 at the Teatro degli Animosi in Marradi.
5 May, 2020
Focus on Chiara Lecca’s work featuring the streaming of the video Coypu Panties, made in 2006 and exhibited in Galleria Fumagalli’s former venue in Bergamo in 2008 on the occasion of the solo exhibition Del maiale non si butta niente.
8 May, 2020
Focus on Keith Sonnier’s work, in collaboration with the Studio Sonnier, including the streaming of an excerpt of the video Positive-Negative, made in 1970 in the video studio of the Medical School at the University of California, San Diego, and projected during a live performance in the Art Department there.
12 May, 2020
Streaming of the film Bank Job by Richard Wilson, shot in Siena’s city centre and within the rooms of the Palazzo delle Papesse in 2004 on the occasion of the exhibition Caveau.
15 May, 2020
Focus on Filippo Armellin’s work featuring a preview of the series of new works Chiusure, followed by the artist’s comment.
19 May, 2020
Anne & Patrick Poirier meet curator Angela Madesani and tell about their new work made at the time of Covid-19 outbreak.
22 May, 2020
Streaming of the video Theme Song by Vito Acconci made in 1973, one of the American Body Art key-works, also presented at Galleria Fumagalli in 2011 in the solo show Space of the Body. Works 1969-1986.
26 May, 2020
Focus on the work of Giuseppe Uncini, with whom the gallery long collaborated dedicating several projects and books, such as the Catalogue Raisonné published by Silvana Editoriale in 2008.
29 May, 2020
Overview of Kenneth Noland’s work, spanning from the end of the 1950s to the late 1970s, featuring selected texts and images from the gallery’s archive.
11 March, 2020
Streaming of the performance Inerte/Inerme by Stefano Scheda, held at the gallery on 16 January, 2020.
17 March, 2020
Focus on Anne & Patrick Poirier’s work featuring selected texts and images from the gallery’s archive.
20 March, 2020
Focus on Mattia Bosco’s work featuring selected texts and images from the gallery’s archive..
23 March, 2020
Homage to Jannis Kounellis including the streaming of the play Die Hamletmaschine by Heiner Müller, held at the Piccolo Teatro, with the scene by Kounellis.
27 March, 2020
Focus on Richard Wilson’s work including the streaming of the project Butterfly (2003).
31 March, 2020
Streaming of the conversation between Giovanni Anselmo and Alberto Fiz, held on the occasion of the exhibition ACMN in the gallery’s former venue in Bergamo in 2011.
3 April, 2020
Focus on Maria Elisabetta Novello’s work including the streaming of the performance Sursum Corda, held at Galleria Fumagalli in 2017.
7 April, 2020
Streaming of the video work Bowels by Chiara Lecca filmed in 2010 and never seen before at Galleria Fumagalli.
10 April, 2020
Focus on Peter Welz’s work including the streaming of the video project Retranslation | final unfinished portrait (francis bacon) | figure inscribing figure | [take 01 – 03], filmed in collaboration with William Forsythe.
14 April, 2020
Streaming of the conversation between Dennis Oppenheim and Alberto Fiz, held on the occasion of the artist’s solo exhibition Material Interchange. Works 1968/1974 in the gallery’s former venue in Bergamo in 2010.
17 April, 2020
Focus on Maurizio Nannucci’s work featuring selected texts and images from the gallery’s archive.
21 April, 2020
Streaming of the conversation between Maurizio Mochetti and Alberto Fiz, held on the occasion of the exhibition ACMN in the gallery’s former venue in Bergamo in 2011.
24 April, 2020
Streaming of the video A Volo d’Uccello by Marinus Boezem (2010), first exhibited at De Vleeshal in Middelburg and re-presented at Galleria Fumagalli in 2019 on the occasion of the artist’s solo Bird’s-eye View.
30 April, 2020
Streaming of the performances Ti faccio nero and Ti faccio rosso by Stefano Scheda, held respectively on 2 February 2019 at the theatre of the Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna, and on 6 July 2019 at the Teatro degli Animosi in Marradi.
5 May, 2020
Focus on Chiara Lecca’s work featuring the streaming of the video Coypu Panties, made in 2006 and exhibited in Galleria Fumagalli’s former venue in Bergamo in 2008 on the occasion of the solo exhibition Del maiale non si butta niente.
8 May, 2020
Focus on Keith Sonnier’s work, in collaboration with the Studio Sonnier, including the streaming of an excerpt of the video Positive-Negative, made in 1970 in the video studio of the Medical School at the University of California, San Diego, and projected during a live performance in the Art Department there.
12 May, 2020
Streaming of the film Bank Job by Richard Wilson, shot in Siena’s city centre and within the rooms of the Palazzo delle Papesse in 2004 on the occasion of the exhibition Caveau.
15 May, 2020
Focus on Filippo Armellin’s work featuring a preview of the series of new works Chiusure, followed by the artist’s comment.
19 May, 2020
Anne & Patrick Poirier meet curator Angela Madesani and tell about their new work made at the time of Covid-19 outbreak.
22 May, 2020
Streaming of the video Theme Song by Vito Acconci made in 1973, one of the American Body Art key-works, also presented at Galleria Fumagalli in 2011 in the solo show Space of the Body. Works 1969-1986.
26 May, 2020
Focus on the work of Giuseppe Uncini, with whom the gallery long collaborated dedicating several projects and books, such as the Catalogue Raisonné published by Silvana Editoriale in 2008.
29 May, 2020
Overview of Kenneth Noland’s work, spanning from the end of the 1950s to the late 1970s, featuring selected texts and images from the gallery’s archive.