The publication of the book accompanies the homonymous show “Gli spazicemento” held at Galleria Fumagalli, Bergamo in 1994, with which Giuseppe Uncini inaugurates his collaboration. In these works the solid cement shape and the empty space are forced by the artist in a linear iron perimeter and constrained in a relationship of forced balance. The series of images is accompanied by the critical text “Uncini e lo spaziocemento” by Giovanni Maria Accame.
The publication of the book accompanies the homonymous show “Gli spazicemento” held at Galleria Fumagalli, Bergamo in 1994, with which Giuseppe Uncini inaugurates his collaboration. In these works the solid cement shape and the empty space are forced by the artist in a linear iron perimeter and constrained in a relationship of forced balance. The series of images is accompanied by the critical text “Uncini e lo spaziocemento” by Giovanni Maria Accame.