The exhibition focuses on different periods of Chiara Dynys’ career, presenting works of different techniques united by the theme of transformation and the tension towards knowledge. The exhibition is divided into two pavilions, the 9B and the Galleria delle Vasche, where the artist strongly emphasizes that the path to knowledge is complex but leads to an illumination that is metaphorical and real at the same time. The works reflect on Chiara Dynys’ recurrent themes, such as duality or the geopolitical conflicts that have developed in many countries around the world, tragically re-enacting the contradiction between the economic, cultural and religious inequalities that still grip the Planet.
Curated by Giorgio Verzotti
Padiglione 9B and Galleria delle Vasche, Rome
6 June – 4 September 2019
Photo by Giorgio Benni, via Chiara Dynys website