Curated by Maria Vittoria Baravelli
13 September - 13 October, 2023
Curated by Maria Vittoria Baravelli
13 September - 13 October, 2023

Galleria Fumagalli presents the first exhibition project by LOFT – Light On Future Topics, a new area of the gallery’s operations, aimed at exploring the contemporary universe in all its creative aspects.
The group exhibition Do not lose the path because of the trees, curated by Maria Vittoria Baravelli, sheds light on the work of five artists, whose poetics and productions intertwine in a never-before-seen presentation: Hisayuki Amae (Kanagawa, Japan, 1974), Luca Boffi (Milan, Italy, 1991), Clara Cebrián (Madrid, Spain, 1991), Luigi Pensa (Turin, Italy, 2001), and Costanza Starrabba (Ancona, Italy, 1995).
The exhibition project features the works of the five artists, each invited to present their own approaches and to challenge the limits of their research by interacting with the others.
At the core of the exhibition there is the idea of the garden, a recurrent theme in the history of art which, in Do not lose the path because of the trees, becomes a metaphor for a space for experimentation and interaction. There, they can nurture their own diversity and coexist within the same story.
Maria Vittoria Baravelli curator of the exhibition, states: “The works are stories that intertwine like roots nourished by the fertile ground of talent. They stand out like branches of a tree that rise up ever higher. As in a fluid, hyperconnected and overheated world, not to liquify might be the first step to be still something.”
Hisayuki Amae’s works, which combine an in-depth study of form with the most recent design research, interplay with the result of the investigation on the rural landscape experienced and inhabited by Luca Boffi; Clara Cebrián’s pictorial and ceramic work, inspired by everyday life and characterized by a unique blend of figurative details, words and phrases, interact with Luigi Pensa’s creations that mix contemporary design with traditional craft techniques; lastly, the figures in digital painting by Costanza Starrabba show the imagery of a childish universe with bright tones and exaggerated volumes.
The result is a combined presentation where personal narratives, experiences and aesthetic reflections intertwine and enrich each other, in an original combination of colors, techniques and creative dimensions.
Galleria Fumagalli presents the first exhibition project by LOFT – Light On Future Topics, a new area of the gallery’s operations, aimed at exploring the contemporary universe in all its creative aspects.
The group exhibition Do not lose the path because of the trees, curated by Maria Vittoria Baravelli, sheds light on the work of five artists, whose poetics and productions intertwine in a never-before-seen presentation: Hisayuki Amae (Kanagawa, Japan, 1974), Luca Boffi (Milan, Italy, 1991), Clara Cebrián (Madrid, Spain, 1991), Luigi Pensa (Turin, Italy, 2001), and Costanza Starrabba (Ancona, Italy, 1995).
The exhibition project features the works of the five artists, each invited to present their own approaches and to challenge the limits of their research by interacting with the others.
At the core of the exhibition there is the idea of the garden, a recurrent theme in the history of art which, in Do not lose the path because of the trees, becomes a metaphor for a space for experimentation and interaction. There, they can nurture their own diversity and coexist within the same story.
Maria Vittoria Baravelli curator of the exhibition, states: “The works are stories that intertwine like roots nourished by the fertile ground of talent. They stand out like branches of a tree that rise up ever higher. As in a fluid, hyperconnected and overheated world, not to liquify might be the first step to be still something.”
Hisayuki Amae’s works, which combine an in-depth study of form with the most recent design research, interplay with the result of the investigation on the rural landscape experienced and inhabited by Luca Boffi; Clara Cebrián’s pictorial and ceramic work, inspired by everyday life and characterized by a unique blend of figurative details, words and phrases, interact with Luigi Pensa’s creations that mix contemporary design with traditional craft techniques; lastly, the figures in digital painting by Costanza Starrabba show the imagery of a childish universe with bright tones and exaggerated volumes.
The result is a combined presentation where personal narratives, experiences and aesthetic reflections intertwine and enrich each other, in an original combination of colors, techniques and creative dimensions.
Installation views
Installation views