26 May - 30 July, 2021
26 May - 30 July, 2021

Galleria Fumagalli presents the first exhibition of the program MY30YEARS – Coherency in Diversity, a series of shows conceived and curated by internationally renowned Hungarian critic Lóránd Hegyi, which intends to celebrate the 30-year-long career of Annamaria Maggi, head of the gallery since 1991. The project aims at offering an insight into the aesthetic and curatorial orientation followed by Galleria Fumagalli over the last three decades, highlighting its coherency, but also with the intention of stimulating new perspectives on the interpretation of great masters’ oeuvre in dialogue with younger artists. Each of the eight exhibitions of the program MY30YEARS – Coherency in Diversity showcases the work of three artists curated or represented by the Gallery, belonging to different generations and groups, coming from different cities and countries, representing different approaches and methodological strategies, yet linked to some common aesthetic ideas. As stated by curator Lóránd Hegyi in the critical text that accompanies the exhibition «It is the intention of this exhibition series to present the selected works in the context of constant, open-minded and refreshing reinterpretation, as is in fact the case with the actual cultural and historical process of continuous re-evaluation and radical reinterpretation of works of art.
This is a historically legitimate, inevitable, even necessary process, in which each younger generation of artists projects its own understanding of art onto a given situation in cultural history and, through legitimate historical arbitrariness, appreciates, selects and appropriates these givens for itself. [This] implies a radical revision and revalorisation of given, inherited systems and conventional hierarchies, but despite apparent discontinuity and criticism, it also implies the continuity and persistence of certain concepts and fundamental ideas, the durability of various elements of their value systems, which persist long after their creation, long after the dissolution of their original mental contexts, and may even be integrated into new mental realities.» The first exhibition “Architettura – Spazialità – Artefatto” brings together the works by Anne & Patrick Poirier, Marco Tirelli and Giuseppe Uncini allowing a plausible and poetically effective reading of some thematic orientations without suggesting any forced homogeneity. The words architecture, spatiality, artifact are materialized in their works in different ways but all combining architectural aspects, the search for spatial presence and a metaphorical meaning of the artifact.
While the work of Anne & Patrick Poirier combines archetypal architectural forms with contemporary human meanings and experiences, providing a continuous metaphorical reinterpretation and an update of the historical-cultural, collective and conventional heritage, the plastic exploration of Giuseppe Uncini results in works that unfold in space as concrete, tangible, non-mimetic and abstract, and which evoke a stimulating, dynamic spatial situation and a sense of noble simplicity. To complete the triad, Marco Tirelli’s works show architectural forms that are deliberately enigmatic and bear poetic allusions to personal memories, imaginary situations and mental associations detached from any understandable context, in front of which the viewer becomes part of an indefinite and spiritual event that takes place in a metaphorical space.
Galleria Fumagalli presents the first exhibition of the program MY30YEARS – Coherency in Diversity, a series of shows conceived and curated by internationally renowned Hungarian critic Lóránd Hegyi, which intends to celebrate the 30-year-long career of Annamaria Maggi, head of the gallery since 1991. The project aims at offering an insight into the aesthetic and curatorial orientation followed by Galleria Fumagalli over the last three decades, highlighting its coherency, but also with the intention of stimulating new perspectives on the interpretation of great masters’ oeuvre in dialogue with younger artists. Each of the eight exhibitions of the program MY30YEARS – Coherency in Diversity showcases the work of three artists curated or represented by the Gallery, belonging to different generations and groups, coming from different cities and countries, representing different approaches and methodological strategies, yet linked to some common aesthetic ideas. As stated by curator Lóránd Hegyi in the critical text that accompanies the exhibition «It is the intention of this exhibition series to present the selected works in the context of constant, open-minded and refreshing reinterpretation, as is in fact the case with the actual cultural and historical process of continuous re-evaluation and radical reinterpretation of works of art.
This is a historically legitimate, inevitable, even necessary process, in which each younger generation of artists projects its own understanding of art onto a given situation in cultural history and, through legitimate historical arbitrariness, appreciates, selects and appropriates these givens for itself. [This] implies a radical revision and revalorisation of given, inherited systems and conventional hierarchies, but despite apparent discontinuity and criticism, it also implies the continuity and persistence of certain concepts and fundamental ideas, the durability of various elements of their value systems, which persist long after their creation, long after the dissolution of their original mental contexts, and may even be integrated into new mental realities.» The first exhibition “Architettura – Spazialità – Artefatto” brings together the works by Anne & Patrick Poirier, Marco Tirelli and Giuseppe Uncini allowing a plausible and poetically effective reading of some thematic orientations without suggesting any forced homogeneity. The words architecture, spatiality, artifact are materialized in their works in different ways but all combining architectural aspects, the search for spatial presence and a metaphorical meaning of the artifact.
While the work of Anne & Patrick Poirier combines archetypal architectural forms with contemporary human meanings and experiences, providing a continuous metaphorical reinterpretation and an update of the historical-cultural, collective and conventional heritage, the plastic exploration of Giuseppe Uncini results in works that unfold in space as concrete, tangible, non-mimetic and abstract, and which evoke a stimulating, dynamic spatial situation and a sense of noble simplicity. To complete the triad, Marco Tirelli’s works show architectural forms that are deliberately enigmatic and bear poetic allusions to personal memories, imaginary situations and mental associations detached from any understandable context, in front of which the viewer becomes part of an indefinite and spiritual event that takes place in a metaphorical space.
Installation views
Installation views
3D Tour
3D Tour