Jannis Kounellis

By 27 June 2019 Artists




Jannis Kounellis was born in 1936 in Piraeus, Greece, he moved in Rome in 1956, where he lived and worked until his passing in February 2017. During his studies at the Fine Art Academy in Rome, stimulated by the teaching of Toti Scialoja, Kounellis approached the American Abstract Expressionism and the European Informel. In the early works of the Sixties, the artist experimented with painting to present an obscure and fragmentary writing, made of signs and symbols. Even though he did not intend painting in a traditional way, Kounellis had always considered himself as a painter: «I have the attitude of a painter. This is my identity. I could not abandon it, even if I would like to. In Greek the word painter is zōgraphos, which means somebody who draws life. Greek language is much more accurate. It describes a life experience». The artist, in fact, used to replace the canvas with an iron sheet, where he juxtaposed everyday objects. Through the use of materials (such as jute, wax, coal, glass, fabrics, coffee powder, etc…) understood to stimulate the senses, human existence is evoked, in its routine and conflict. In the attempt to face this drama, the artist suggests a cathartic solution, almost following the plot of a Greek tragedy, as he cannot ignore the confrontation with existence.
From the Sixties, Jannis Kounellis started to present his work in the exhibitions organized in the context of Arte Povera, founded by Germano Celant in 1967. In those years even theatre and scenography became essential features of his research.

His debut took place at the Teatro Stabile in Turin: he realized a scene made of coal bags for the pièce I testimoni by T. Rózewicz (1968-69), directed by Carlo Quartucci.
Many are the international solo exhibitions presented in prestigious institutions, such as: Walker Art Center, Minneapolis (2022); Fondazione Prada, Venice (2019); MKM, Duisburg (2018); MAC-USP, Sao Paulo (2016); MAMC, Saint-Étienne Métropole (2014); Palazzo Belmonte Riso, Palermo (2012); Today Art Museum, Beijing (2011); Château de Chaumont-sur-Loire (2008); Musée d’Orsay, Paris (2007); Neue Nationalgalerie, Berlin (2007); Museo Madre, Naples (2006); Albertina, Wien (2005); Vijecnica – National Library, Sarajevo (2004); GNAM, Rome (2002); Centro Pecci, Prato (2001); MNBA, Buenos Aires (2000); Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid (1996); Palazzo Fabroni, Pistoia (1993); PAC, Milan (1992); Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam (1990); Castello di Rivoli, Turin (1988); MAC, Montréal (1987); MCA, Chicago (1986); CAPC, Bordeaux (1985); Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris (1980); Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam (1977). Among the international exhibitions: Venice Biennale (2015, 2011, 1993, 1988, 1984, 1980, 1978, 1976, 1972); Biennale of Sydney (2008); Istanbul Biennial (1993); documenta, Kassel (1982, 1977, 1972).
Among the most recent group shows in institutions: Jeu de Paume, Paris (2022); Centro Pecci, Prato (2022); Magazzino Italian Art, Cold Spring, New York (2021); Metropolitan Museum of Manila (2020); MAMC, Saint-Étienne Métropole (2019); Philadelphia Museum of Art (2018);

Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam (2016); Pinacoteca di Brera, Milan (2015); Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao (2014); Fondazione Prada, Venice (2014); MoMA, New York (2013), MACBA, Barcelona (2010); Museo Madre, Naples (2009); Tel Aviv Museum of Art (2007); Palazzo Grassi, Venice (2006); National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi (2005).
The collaboration with Galleria Fumagalli started in 2003 with the first solo show in the Bergamo venue. It was followed in 2005 by the participation in the group exhibition “Visioni” curated by Annamaria Maggi at the Former Sant’Agostino Church in Bergamo. Dates back to 2009 the second solo show, in collaboration with Museo Bernareggi, followed by a volume published by Silvana Editoriale with a text by Franco Fanelli. In 2010 the Gallery actively contributed to the realization of the solo show at Teatro Margherita in Bari, Puglia; on that occasion a sculpture was commissioned for Piazza del Ferrarese. The exhibition was accompanied by a volume published by Silvana Editoriale with texts by Bruno Corà, Vito Labarile and Annamaria Maggi. On 28 December 2015 at the Scatola Magica – Piccolo Teatro in Milan, the performance Die Hamletmaschine by Heiner Müller took place – directed by Theodoros Terzopoulos, with a scene by Jannis Kounellis and curated by Annamaria Maggi and Alexandra Papadopoulos. The following year, the video of the performance and parts of the scene were exhibited at the Gallery on the occasion of the artist’s third solo show: “Jannis Kounellis e il Teatro”. In 2021 Kounellis’ oeuvre was selected by critic Lóránd Hegyi to be included in the fourth and the eighth shows of the program “MY30YEARS – Coherency in Diversity”.

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Jannis Kounellis was born in 1936 in Piraeus, Greece, he moved in Rome in 1956, where he lived and worked until his passing in February 2017. During his studies at the Fine Art Academy in Rome, stimulated by the teaching of Toti Scialoja, Kounellis approached the American Abstract Expressionism and the European Informel. In the early works of the Sixties, the artist experimented with painting to present an obscure and fragmentary writing, made of signs and symbols. Even though he did not intend painting in a traditional way, Kounellis had always considered himself as a painter: «I have the attitude of a painter. This is my identity. I could not abandon it, even if I would like to. In Greek the word painter is zōgraphos, which means somebody who draws life. Greek language is much more accurate. It describes a life experience». The artist, in fact, used to replace the canvas with an iron sheet, where he juxtaposed everyday objects. Through the use of materials (such as jute, wax, coal, glass, fabrics, coffee powder, etc…) understood to stimulate the senses, human existence is evoked, in its routine and conflict. In the attempt to face this drama, the artist suggests a cathartic solution, almost following the plot of a Greek tragedy, as he cannot ignore the confrontation with existence.
From the Sixties, Jannis Kounellis started to present his work in the exhibitions organized in the context of Arte Povera, founded by Germano Celant in 1967. In those years even theatre and scenography became essential features of his research. His debut took place at the Teatro Stabile in Turin: he realized a scene made of coal bags for the pièce I testimoni by T. Rózewicz (1968-69), directed by Carlo Quartucci.

Many are the international solo exhibitions presented in prestigious institutions, such as: Walker Art Center, Minneapolis (2022); Fondazione Prada, Venice (2019); MKM, Duisburg (2018); MAC-USP, Sao Paulo (2016); MAMC, Saint-Étienne Métropole (2014); Palazzo Belmonte Riso, Palermo (2012); Today Art Museum, Beijing (2011); Château de Chaumont-sur-Loire (2008); Musée d’Orsay, Paris (2007); Neue Nationalgalerie, Berlin (2007); Museo Madre, Naples (2006); Albertina, Wien (2005); Vijecnica – National Library, Sarajevo (2004); GNAM, Rome (2002); Centro Pecci, Prato (2001); MNBA, Buenos Aires (2000); Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid (1996); Palazzo Fabroni, Pistoia (1993); PAC, Milan (1992); Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam (1990); Castello di Rivoli, Turin (1988); MAC, Montréal (1987); MCA, Chicago (1986); CAPC, Bordeaux (1985); Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris (1980); Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam (1977). Among the international exhibitions: Venice Biennale (2015, 2011, 1993, 1988, 1984, 1980, 1978, 1976, 1972); Biennale of Sydney (2008); Istanbul Biennial (1993); documenta, Kassel (1982, 1977, 1972).

Among the most recent group shows in institutions: Jeu de Paume, Paris (2022); Centro Pecci, Prato (2022); Magazzino Italian Art, Cold Spring, New York (2021); Metropolitan Museum of Manila (2020); MAMC, Saint-Étienne Métropole (2019); Philadelphia Museum of Art (2018); Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam (2016); Pinacoteca di Brera, Milan (2015); Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao (2014); Fondazione Prada, Venice (2014); MoMA, New York (2013), MACBA, Barcelona (2010); Museo Madre, Naples (2009); Tel Aviv Museum of Art (2007); Palazzo Grassi, Venice (2006); National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi (2005).
The collaboration with Galleria Fumagalli started in 2003 with the first solo show in the Bergamo venue. It was followed in 2005 by the participation in the group exhibition “Visioni” curated by Annamaria Maggi at the Former Sant’Agostino Church in Bergamo. Dates back to 2009 the second solo show, in collaboration with Museo Bernareggi, followed by a volume published by Silvana Editoriale with a text by Franco Fanelli. In 2010 the Gallery actively contributed to the realization of the solo show at Teatro Margherita in Bari, Puglia; on that occasion a sculpture was commissioned for Piazza del Ferrarese. The exhibition was accompanied by a volume published by Silvana Editoriale with texts by Bruno Corà, Vito Labarile and Annamaria Maggi. On 28 December 2015 at the Scatola Magica – Piccolo Teatro in Milan, the performance Die Hamletmaschine by Heiner Müller took place – directed by Theodoros Terzopoulos, with a scene by Jannis Kounellis and curated by Annamaria Maggi and Alexandra Papadopoulos. The following year, the video of the performance and parts of the scene were exhibited at the Gallery on the occasion of the artist’s third solo show: “Jannis Kounellis e il Teatro”. In 2021 Kounellis’ oeuvre was selected by critic Lóránd Hegyi to be included in the fourth and the eighth shows of the program “MY30YEARS – Coherency in Diversity”.

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Jannis Kounellis, Senza titolo, 2000. Lamiera di ferro, lastra di metallo, coperta, 200x180x15 cm
Jannis Kounellis, Untitled, 2000
Metal sheet, iron, blanket, 200x180x15 cm
Jannis Kounellis, Senza titolo 2005. Lamiera di ferro, vernice su carta, sacco di juta con carbone, 200x180x30 cm
Jannis Kounellis, Untitled, 2005
Metal sheet, varnish on paper, jute sack with coal, 200x180x30 cm
Jannis Kounellis, Senza titolo, 2009, 200x180x12
Jannis Kounellis, Untitled, 2009
Iron sheets, coats, lead, 200x180x12 cm
Jannis Kounellis, Senza titolo, 2009, 200x180_singolo 2
Jannis Kounellis, Untitled, 2009
Iron sheets, coats, 200x180x10 cm
Jannis Kounellis, Senza titolo, 2009, 200x540 def
Jannis Kounellis, Untitled, 2009
Iron sheets, coats, 200x360x10 cm
Jannis Kounellis, Senza titolo, 2009. Reti metalliche, ganci cappotti, 353x865x30 cm
Jannis Kounellis, Untitled, 2009
Metal mesh, hooks, coats, 353x865x30 cm
Jannis Kounellis, Senza titolo, 2002. Pastello a olio su carta, 83x63 cm
Jannis Kounellis, Untitled, 2002
Oil pastel on paper, 83x63 cm
Jannis Kounellis, Senza titolo, 2009. Pastello a olio su carta, 63x83 cm
Jannis Kounellis, Untitled, 2002
Oil pastel on paper, 63x83 cm
Jannis Kounellis, Senza titolo, 2009. Pastello a olio su carta, 63x83 cm
Jannis Kounellis, Untitled, 2009
Oil pastel on paper, 63x83 cm


Jannis Kounellis, Untitled, 2000. Metal sheet, iron, blanket, 200x180x15 cm

Jannis Kounellis, Untitled, 2000. Metal sheet, iron, blanket, 200x180x15 cm

Jannis Kounellis, Untitled, 2005. Metal sheet, varnish on paper, jute sack with coal, 200x180x30 cm

Jannis Kounellis, Untitled, 2005. Metal sheet, varnish on paper, jute sack with coal, 200x180x30 cm

Jannis Kounellis, Untitled, 2009. Iron sheets, coats, lead, 200x180x12 cm

Jannis Kounellis, Untitled, 2009. Iron sheets, coats, lead, 200x180x12 cm

Jannis Kounellis, Untitled, 2009. Iron sheets, coats, 200x180x10 cm

Jannis Kounellis, Untitled, 2009. Iron sheets, coats, 200x180x10 cm

Jannis Kounellis, Untitled, 2009. Iron sheets, coats, 200x360x10 cm

Jannis Kounellis, Untitled, 2009. Iron sheets, coats, 200x360x10 cm

Jannis Kounellis, Untitled, 2009. Metal mesh, hooks, coats, 353x865x30 cm

Jannis Kounellis, Untitled, 2009. Metal mesh, hooks, coats, 353x865x30 cm

Jannis Kounellis, Untitled, 2002. Oil pastel on paper, 83x63 cm

Jannis Kounellis, Untitled, 2002. Oil pastel on paper, 83x63 cm

Jannis Kounellis, Untitled, 2002. Oil pastel on paper, 63x83 cm

Jannis Kounellis, Untitled, 2002. Oil pastel on paper, 63x83 cm

Jannis Kounellis, Untitled, 2009. Oil pastel on paper, 63x83 cm

Jannis Kounellis, Untitled, 2009. Oil pastel on paper, 63x83 cm



3 November, 2018
“Ashes and Gold in First Substantial Jannis Kounellis Show Since Artist’s Death”

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November, 2016
“Jannis Kounellis”

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8 April, 2016
“Everything needs to be centred on humanity”

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25 June, 2015
“Kounellis horses have first U.S. showing…”

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Flash Art

May 2012
“Rivoluzioni rotazioni”

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February 2012
“Jannis Kounellis: Non-Verbal Communication”

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3 November, 2018
“Ashes and Gold in First Substantial Jannis Kounellis Show Since Artist’s Death”

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November, 2016
“Jannis Kounellis”

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8 April, 2016
“Everything needs to be centred on humanity”

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25 June, 2015
“Kounellis horses have first U.S. showing…”

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Flash Art

May 2012
“Rivoluzioni rotazioni”

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February 2012
“Jannis Kounellis: Non-Verbal Communication”

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14 to 22 December, 2022

Exhibition  →

Jannis Kounellis e il Teatro

Opening 12 October, 2016
13 October to 20 December, 2016

Exhibition  →

Jannis Kounellis a Bergamo

Opening 23 May, 2009
26 May to 26 September, 2009

Exhibition  →

Opere recenti 

Opening 25 October, 2003
28 October to 6 December, 2003

Exhibition  →


Concretezza dell’essenzialità

Opening 16 February, 2022
17 February to 29 April, 2022

Exhibition  →

Switch On 3

Opening 23 February, 2017
24 February to 1 April, 2017

Exhibition  →

Summer Show

Opening 15 June, 2013
18 June to 15 September, 2013

Exhibition  →

Switch On

Opening 4 October, 2012
5 October to 15 November, 2012

Exhibition  →

Visioni. 20 artisti a Sant’Agostino

Opening 8 April, 2005
9 April to 11 June, 2005

Exhibition  →


Opening 27 November, 2004
30 November, 2004 to 30 January, 2005

Exhibition  →




14 to 22 December, 2022

Exhibition  →

Jannis Kounellis e il Teatro

Opening 12 October, 2016
13 October to 20 December, 2016

Exhibition  →

Jannis Kounellis a Bergamo

Opening 23 May, 2009
26 May to 26 September, 2009

Exhibition  →

Opere recenti 

Opening 25 October, 2003
28 October to 6 December, 2003

Exhibition  →


Concretezza dell’essenzialità

Opening 16 February, 2022
17 February to 29 April, 2022

Exhibition  →

Switch On 3

Opening 23 February, 2017
24 February to 1 April, 2017

Exhibition  →

Summer Show

Opening 15 June, 2013
18 June to 15 September, 2013

Exhibition  →

Switch On

Opening 4 October, 2012
5 October to 15 November, 2012

Exhibition  →

Visioni. 20 artisti a Sant’Agostino

Opening 8 April, 2005
9 April to 11 June, 2005

Exhibition  →


Opening 27 November, 2004
30 November, 2004 to 30 January, 2005

Exhibition  →




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